Naturally Independent
Every Fourth of July, I find myself thankful. Thankful for the opportunities that our great nation affords. That I can wake up every morning free from the tyranny and oppression so many suffer is reason enough but, it’s there in the small, fathomable details that I also find myself fortunate to be a citizen of our USA.
Blessed as I am to be living the “American Dream” (since I’ve recently paid off my student loans), at 36, I feel once again youthfully optimistic for my future. My optimism comes in part, from the place I work. The satisfaction I receive from working with a company that exemplifies the ideals of business in America.
Plantlife started like most companies, with a goal to make products that are safe, healthy and natural. Products which promote health through nature’s bounty. Products in which the ingredients are simple, effective and good for you. We make our line for us, for our friends, families and for you so that we all may benefit from the immeasurable greatness that is nature.
Having grown slowly, organically from the seed of an idea, every milestone in Plantlife’s development has been celebrated. From the first customer feedback to the “thank-you’s” we receive today, each encouragement tours our facility so every member of team Plantlife knows exactly why we do what we do.
We manufacture our body care line right here in sunny Southern California and maintain complete control over the process. Every formulation is still tirelessly cultivated and driven until the final product meets the impeccably high standards which are synonymous with our line.
Plantlife is not beholden to shareholders, a board of directors, product development timelines or budgets so we are free to explore to our heart’s desire. We can source the finest raw materials from socially and ecologically responsible growers and distillers without fear of red tape and recriminations from corporate feeders.
We at Plantlife are immensely proud of the fact that our small, women owned and managed business has operated as a debt free company since 2004 and we have you to thank for it! Our dedicated supporters have allowed us to stretch and grow in ways we never dreamed possible. Whether you purchase your Plantlife at Whole Foods or from us direct, you let us be what companies in America can and should be, naturally independent! So, thank you fans and friends for letting us (me) come to work every day and make the best products from nature, for you.
To the brave men and women who have served and currently serve in our Armed Forces: I believe all of us are born with innate talents leading us to paths in life ( in a free society) in which we excel. Even if I were born with your courage, commitment, and sacrifice I cannot say with certainty I would ever be sufficient enough to honor my country and fellow man as you have. Without all of you, past and present, none of us would be who we are today or able to accomplish what we do. You are the heroes, you are the very life and breath of this great nation. Thank you for serving, protecting and achieving what so many of us cannot. Thank you for my independence.